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Auction archive: Lot number 10

Central European artists and scribes

£1,500 - £2,500
ca. US$1,830 - US$3,050
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 10

Central European artists and scribes

£1,500 - £2,500
ca. US$1,830 - US$3,050
Price realised:
n. a.

A COLLECTION OF MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPT LEAVES, 10 leaves from liturgical manuscripts on vellum, in Latin [central Europe, 13th to 16th centuries] An eclectic collection of illuminated leaves, several of which from important, published manuscripts, including a leaf from a 13th-century Spanish Psalter-Hymnal; one of the oldest known Dutch miniatures; and a leaf from a Flemish Psalter-Hours with elaborate line-fillers and marginalia. Comprising: (1) THE SCOURGING OF CHRIST, full-page miniature from a Book of Hours [northern Netherlands, probably Utrecht, c.1400-10]. 103 x 81mm. Provenance: The parent manuscript belonged to Erik von Scherling (1907-1956) and was sold to Otto Ege in 1929. The present leaf was then sold first at Swann Galleries, 25 September 1980, lot 170 and again at Sotheby's, 7 December 2004, lot 21, and described in that catalogue by Christopher de Hamel as 'one of the oldest known Dutch miniatures'. Published by J. H. Marrow. As Horas de Margarida de Cleves, The Hours of Margaret of Cleves, Lisbon, 1995, pp.53, 92 (no 1010). The style of the miniature is closely derived from a corresponding scene in the Margaret of Cleves Hours, Lisbon, Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, MS. LA. 148, datable c.1395-1400. (2) A leaf from a Psalter-Hymnal [Spain, first quarter 13th century]. 155 x 98mm. The text Psalms 60:1-61:8. Provenance: The parent manuscript was used by Franciscans until the 16th century and sold at Sotheby's on 12 December 1967, lot 37; the present leaf sold at Chiswick Auctions, 25 March 2015, part of lot 254. For a reconstruction of this manuscript see P. Kidd, The McCarthy Collection, II, 2019, no 4, pp.33-36. (3) A leaf from a Psalter-Hours [southern Netherlands, 2nd or 3rd quarter 13th century]. 178 x 135mm. 20 lines, initials alternately gold with blue flourishing or blue with red flourishing, elaborate line-fillers with grotesques, a drum-playing dog in the margin. Provenance: The parent volume was probably made for a Benedictine nun or abbess, and broken up by 1966 when leaves were in the collection of Carl Richartz, Amsterdam. Two leaves are now in the collection of Bob McCarthy (P. Kidd, 2019, no 20, pp.106-9). (4) A leaf from a Book of Hours [northern France, mid 15th century]. 186 x 132mm. 16 lines, one penwork initial 'D'. Provenance: Folio Fine Art, March 1969. (5) A leaf from a Breviary [Germany?, c.1400]. 171 x 122mm. 2 columns of 31 lines. Provenance: Folio Fine Art, May 1968. (6) A leaf from a choirbook on paper [Germany, late 15th century]. 196 x 135mm. 7 lines of text and music. Provenance: Folio Fine Art, cat.66, September 1969, no 250. (7) A leaf from a Book of Hours [northern France, c.1450]. 145 x 102mm. 13 lines, 3 illuminated and 4 penwork initials, one-sided border. Provenance: Folio Fine Art, November 1968, no 1020. (8) A leaf from a Breviary [northern Italy, second half 15th century]. 195 x 148mm. 2 columns of 23 lines, 6 illuminated initials. (9) A leaf from a Book of Hours [France or Flanders?, mid-15th century]. 119 x 85mm. 14 lines, 5 illuminated and 4 penwork initials. Provenance: Folio Fine Art, cat.68, December 1969. (10) A leaf from a Benedictine Breviary [northern Italy, late 15th century]. 190 x 155mm. 2 columns of 24 lines, full-page border with putti, birds, animals and arabesques, 5 illuminated initials. Provenance: Folio Fine Art, cat.63, May 1969, no 250.

Auction archive: Lot number 10
14 May 2020 - 4 Jun 2020
Auction house:
Online | 14 May - 4 June

A COLLECTION OF MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPT LEAVES, 10 leaves from liturgical manuscripts on vellum, in Latin [central Europe, 13th to 16th centuries] An eclectic collection of illuminated leaves, several of which from important, published manuscripts, including a leaf from a 13th-century Spanish Psalter-Hymnal; one of the oldest known Dutch miniatures; and a leaf from a Flemish Psalter-Hours with elaborate line-fillers and marginalia. Comprising: (1) THE SCOURGING OF CHRIST, full-page miniature from a Book of Hours [northern Netherlands, probably Utrecht, c.1400-10]. 103 x 81mm. Provenance: The parent manuscript belonged to Erik von Scherling (1907-1956) and was sold to Otto Ege in 1929. The present leaf was then sold first at Swann Galleries, 25 September 1980, lot 170 and again at Sotheby's, 7 December 2004, lot 21, and described in that catalogue by Christopher de Hamel as 'one of the oldest known Dutch miniatures'. Published by J. H. Marrow. As Horas de Margarida de Cleves, The Hours of Margaret of Cleves, Lisbon, 1995, pp.53, 92 (no 1010). The style of the miniature is closely derived from a corresponding scene in the Margaret of Cleves Hours, Lisbon, Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, MS. LA. 148, datable c.1395-1400. (2) A leaf from a Psalter-Hymnal [Spain, first quarter 13th century]. 155 x 98mm. The text Psalms 60:1-61:8. Provenance: The parent manuscript was used by Franciscans until the 16th century and sold at Sotheby's on 12 December 1967, lot 37; the present leaf sold at Chiswick Auctions, 25 March 2015, part of lot 254. For a reconstruction of this manuscript see P. Kidd, The McCarthy Collection, II, 2019, no 4, pp.33-36. (3) A leaf from a Psalter-Hours [southern Netherlands, 2nd or 3rd quarter 13th century]. 178 x 135mm. 20 lines, initials alternately gold with blue flourishing or blue with red flourishing, elaborate line-fillers with grotesques, a drum-playing dog in the margin. Provenance: The parent volume was probably made for a Benedictine nun or abbess, and broken up by 1966 when leaves were in the collection of Carl Richartz, Amsterdam. Two leaves are now in the collection of Bob McCarthy (P. Kidd, 2019, no 20, pp.106-9). (4) A leaf from a Book of Hours [northern France, mid 15th century]. 186 x 132mm. 16 lines, one penwork initial 'D'. Provenance: Folio Fine Art, March 1969. (5) A leaf from a Breviary [Germany?, c.1400]. 171 x 122mm. 2 columns of 31 lines. Provenance: Folio Fine Art, May 1968. (6) A leaf from a choirbook on paper [Germany, late 15th century]. 196 x 135mm. 7 lines of text and music. Provenance: Folio Fine Art, cat.66, September 1969, no 250. (7) A leaf from a Book of Hours [northern France, c.1450]. 145 x 102mm. 13 lines, 3 illuminated and 4 penwork initials, one-sided border. Provenance: Folio Fine Art, November 1968, no 1020. (8) A leaf from a Breviary [northern Italy, second half 15th century]. 195 x 148mm. 2 columns of 23 lines, 6 illuminated initials. (9) A leaf from a Book of Hours [France or Flanders?, mid-15th century]. 119 x 85mm. 14 lines, 5 illuminated and 4 penwork initials. Provenance: Folio Fine Art, cat.68, December 1969. (10) A leaf from a Benedictine Breviary [northern Italy, late 15th century]. 190 x 155mm. 2 columns of 24 lines, full-page border with putti, birds, animals and arabesques, 5 illuminated initials. Provenance: Folio Fine Art, cat.63, May 1969, no 250.

Auction archive: Lot number 10
14 May 2020 - 4 Jun 2020
Auction house:
Online | 14 May - 4 June
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