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Auction archive: Lot number 151

Britains Royal Navy and Marines

Auction 23.03.2000
23 Mar 2000
£250 - £350
ca. US$394 - US$552
Price realised:
ca. US$581
Auction archive: Lot number 151

Britains Royal Navy and Marines

Auction 23.03.2000
23 Mar 2000
£250 - £350
ca. US$394 - US$552
Price realised:
ca. US$581

Britains Royal Navy and Marines Set 80, Whitejackets at the slope, first version (P-F, no officer, additional man, all bayonets missing) , nineteen sailors in regulation dress and twelve second grade in straw hats, swinging arms and Marines - eighteen marching with officer and twenty-three running at the trail with one arm officer (F-G, eight bases repainted and drilled with mounting holes and one helmet ball missing) (82)

Auction archive: Lot number 151
23 Mar 2000
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

Britains Royal Navy and Marines Set 80, Whitejackets at the slope, first version (P-F, no officer, additional man, all bayonets missing) , nineteen sailors in regulation dress and twelve second grade in straw hats, swinging arms and Marines - eighteen marching with officer and twenty-three running at the trail with one arm officer (F-G, eight bases repainted and drilled with mounting holes and one helmet ball missing) (82)

Auction archive: Lot number 151
23 Mar 2000
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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