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Auction archive: Lot number 1332

Britains Infantry of the Line

Dolls, Toys and Toy Soldiers
4 Dec 2013 - 5 Dec 2013
Price realised:
ca. US$614
Auction archive: Lot number 1332

Britains Infantry of the Line

Dolls, Toys and Toy Soldiers
4 Dec 2013 - 5 Dec 2013
Price realised:
ca. US$614

set 30, Drums and Bugles in original 1930s illustrated box (VG, box G) 1953, set 36, Royal Sussex Regiment marching at the slope with mounted officer in original ROAN box (VG, box F) 1953, another similar set in tray only of original box (G, tray F-P) with an additional mounted officer and three men (G), set 76, Middlesex Regiment with officer in RARE original window box with stamped white end lettering (E, box G) 1961, three sets 74, Royal Welch Fusiliers at the slope with officers and goat mascots in one Whisstock and two ROAN original boxes (one set VG, box G, one set G, box F-P, one set G, embellished with plumes one goat horn missing, box F) 1952 with an additional eight men (one not matching, one rifle damaged), seven Royal Scots at the slope and three Gordon Highlanders at the slope with piper (E) 1957 (74)

Auction archive: Lot number 1332
4 Dec 2013 - 5 Dec 2013
Auction house:
Bonhams London
Oxford Banbury Road Shipton-on-Cherwell Kidlington Oxford OX5 1JH Tel: +44 1865 853640 Fax : +44 1865 372722

set 30, Drums and Bugles in original 1930s illustrated box (VG, box G) 1953, set 36, Royal Sussex Regiment marching at the slope with mounted officer in original ROAN box (VG, box F) 1953, another similar set in tray only of original box (G, tray F-P) with an additional mounted officer and three men (G), set 76, Middlesex Regiment with officer in RARE original window box with stamped white end lettering (E, box G) 1961, three sets 74, Royal Welch Fusiliers at the slope with officers and goat mascots in one Whisstock and two ROAN original boxes (one set VG, box G, one set G, box F-P, one set G, embellished with plumes one goat horn missing, box F) 1952 with an additional eight men (one not matching, one rifle damaged), seven Royal Scots at the slope and three Gordon Highlanders at the slope with piper (E) 1957 (74)

Auction archive: Lot number 1332
4 Dec 2013 - 5 Dec 2013
Auction house:
Bonhams London
Oxford Banbury Road Shipton-on-Cherwell Kidlington Oxford OX5 1JH Tel: +44 1865 853640 Fax : +44 1865 372722
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