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Auction archive: Lot number 36

BLAEU, Jan (1596-1673). Theatre des états de son Altesse Royale le Duc de Savoye. Tome I: Contenant le Piémont, la ville de Turin, et les lieux voisin. Tome II: Contenant la Savoye. Traduit du Latin en François. The Hague: Adrian Moetjens, 1700.

£25,000 - £35,000
ca. US$31,618 - US$44,266
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 36

BLAEU, Jan (1596-1673). Theatre des états de son Altesse Royale le Duc de Savoye. Tome I: Contenant le Piémont, la ville de Turin, et les lieux voisin. Tome II: Contenant la Savoye. Traduit du Latin en François. The Hague: Adrian Moetjens, 1700.

£25,000 - £35,000
ca. US$31,618 - US$44,266
Price realised:
n. a.

BLAEU, Jan (1596-1673). Theatre des états de son Altesse Royale le Duc de Savoye. Tome I: Contenant le Piémont, la ville de Turin, et les lieux voisin. Tome II: Contenant la Savoye. Traduit du Latin en François. The Hague: Adrian Moetjens, 1700. Original edition in French, of Duke Charles Emanuel II of Savoy's ambitious plan to add Piedmont and Savoy to the Blaeu's planned gigantic multi-volume atlas of the towns and monuments of Italy. In the event, Blaeu only saw the volumes relating to the Ecclesiastical State, Rome and Naples & Sicily through the press, with those for Piedmont and Savoy published posthumously. The plates in the present lot are the same as those in earlier the Dutch edition, but with the addition of the portrait of Victor Amédée II, Duke of Savoy. Van der Krogt IV-1, 43:322.1-2. 2 volumes, folio (576 x 325 mm). Volume I, Piedmont: engraved allegorical frontispiece, genealogical table, heraldic crest with the arms of the dukes of Savoy, 3 portraits and 65 views, maps and monuments, all but 4 double-page with the panoramic view of Turin engraved on two plates. Volume II, Savoy: engraved allegorical frontispiece and 69 views, maps and monuments, all but 6 double-page with the views of Tonon, Aosta, Mondovi, Garessio, Bielle and Adurni each engraved on 2 plates. Both titles with engraved vignettes and letterpress printed in red and black (a large number of plates in vol. I and a few towards end of vol. II trimmed just into image, but without major loss, occasional minor staining, tiny marginal burn hole to II.3R). Contemporary mottled calf, gilt spines, red edges (extremities lightly rubbed). Provenance : Umberto I of Italy (1844-1900, r.1878-1900; bookplate as Prince of Savoy & Piedmont).

Auction archive: Lot number 36
15 Oct 2019
Auction house:

BLAEU, Jan (1596-1673). Theatre des états de son Altesse Royale le Duc de Savoye. Tome I: Contenant le Piémont, la ville de Turin, et les lieux voisin. Tome II: Contenant la Savoye. Traduit du Latin en François. The Hague: Adrian Moetjens, 1700. Original edition in French, of Duke Charles Emanuel II of Savoy's ambitious plan to add Piedmont and Savoy to the Blaeu's planned gigantic multi-volume atlas of the towns and monuments of Italy. In the event, Blaeu only saw the volumes relating to the Ecclesiastical State, Rome and Naples & Sicily through the press, with those for Piedmont and Savoy published posthumously. The plates in the present lot are the same as those in earlier the Dutch edition, but with the addition of the portrait of Victor Amédée II, Duke of Savoy. Van der Krogt IV-1, 43:322.1-2. 2 volumes, folio (576 x 325 mm). Volume I, Piedmont: engraved allegorical frontispiece, genealogical table, heraldic crest with the arms of the dukes of Savoy, 3 portraits and 65 views, maps and monuments, all but 4 double-page with the panoramic view of Turin engraved on two plates. Volume II, Savoy: engraved allegorical frontispiece and 69 views, maps and monuments, all but 6 double-page with the views of Tonon, Aosta, Mondovi, Garessio, Bielle and Adurni each engraved on 2 plates. Both titles with engraved vignettes and letterpress printed in red and black (a large number of plates in vol. I and a few towards end of vol. II trimmed just into image, but without major loss, occasional minor staining, tiny marginal burn hole to II.3R). Contemporary mottled calf, gilt spines, red edges (extremities lightly rubbed). Provenance : Umberto I of Italy (1844-1900, r.1878-1900; bookplate as Prince of Savoy & Piedmont).

Auction archive: Lot number 36
15 Oct 2019
Auction house:
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