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Auction archive: Lot number 126

BELLORI, Giovan Pietro (1613-1696) - Pietro Santi BARTOLI (1635-1700)… Estimate

€300 - €500
ca. US$321 - US$535
Price realised:
ca. US$481
Auction archive: Lot number 126

BELLORI, Giovan Pietro (1613-1696) - Pietro Santi BARTOLI (1635-1700)… Estimate

€300 - €500
ca. US$321 - US$535
Price realised:
ca. US$481

BELLORI, Giovan Pietro (1613-1696) - Pietro Santi BARTOLI (1635-1700) - Colonna Traiana eretta dal Senato, e Popolo Romano all'Imperatore Traiano Augusto nel suo Foro in Roma. Rome: Giovanni Giacomo De Rossi, [edizione del XIX secolo?]. A good copy of the 19th century re-edition (published around 1813?) of the renown work by Bartoli with Bellori's study and description of the Colonna Traiana. Oblong folio (345 x 477mm). Engraved title and dedication to Louis XV, 7 unnumbered plates and 120 numbered plates, 8 and 20pp. of text at end (some browning mainly in the margins). Burgundy calf elaborately decorated in gilt on plates, spine and edges, blue endpapers (some wear, chips and scuffing). Provenance: Giovanni Botta (stamp on title and bookplates).

Auction archive: Lot number 126
19 Sep 2023
Auction house:
Il Ponte Casa D'Aste SRL
Via Pontaccio 12
20121 Milano
+39 02 8631497
+39 02 72022083

BELLORI, Giovan Pietro (1613-1696) - Pietro Santi BARTOLI (1635-1700) - Colonna Traiana eretta dal Senato, e Popolo Romano all'Imperatore Traiano Augusto nel suo Foro in Roma. Rome: Giovanni Giacomo De Rossi, [edizione del XIX secolo?]. A good copy of the 19th century re-edition (published around 1813?) of the renown work by Bartoli with Bellori's study and description of the Colonna Traiana. Oblong folio (345 x 477mm). Engraved title and dedication to Louis XV, 7 unnumbered plates and 120 numbered plates, 8 and 20pp. of text at end (some browning mainly in the margins). Burgundy calf elaborately decorated in gilt on plates, spine and edges, blue endpapers (some wear, chips and scuffing). Provenance: Giovanni Botta (stamp on title and bookplates).

Auction archive: Lot number 126
19 Sep 2023
Auction house:
Il Ponte Casa D'Aste SRL
Via Pontaccio 12
20121 Milano
+39 02 8631497
+39 02 72022083
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