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Auction archive: Lot number 4111

Aviation Images of early Atlantic crossings

ca. US$897
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 4111

Aviation Images of early Atlantic crossings

ca. US$897
Price realised:
n. a.

Photographer: Willy Ruge (1892 - 1961). Images of early Atlantic crossings by plane and airship. 1927/28. 11 vintage gelatin silver prints. Various sizes, most circa 13 x 18 cm, some smaller. Many with photographer's stamp and typed press text label, as well as annotated in ink/pencil on the verso. One group of this lot shows the Atlantic flight of Graf Zeppelin including a view taken from the Zeppelin showing throngs of enthusiastic onlookers in Times Square welcoming the airship's arrival in New York. Other images show the pioneer aviator Clarence Chamberlin in his plane (signed in pencil), the German pioneers Köhl and von Hühnefeld after his landing in Berlin in 1928 and other early planes. – In very good condition.

Auction archive: Lot number 4111
3 Jun 2015
Auction house:
Galerie Bassenge
Erdener Str. 5a
14193 Berlin
+49 30 89380290
+49 30 8918025

Photographer: Willy Ruge (1892 - 1961). Images of early Atlantic crossings by plane and airship. 1927/28. 11 vintage gelatin silver prints. Various sizes, most circa 13 x 18 cm, some smaller. Many with photographer's stamp and typed press text label, as well as annotated in ink/pencil on the verso. One group of this lot shows the Atlantic flight of Graf Zeppelin including a view taken from the Zeppelin showing throngs of enthusiastic onlookers in Times Square welcoming the airship's arrival in New York. Other images show the pioneer aviator Clarence Chamberlin in his plane (signed in pencil), the German pioneers Köhl and von Hühnefeld after his landing in Berlin in 1928 and other early planes. – In very good condition.

Auction archive: Lot number 4111
3 Jun 2015
Auction house:
Galerie Bassenge
Erdener Str. 5a
14193 Berlin
+49 30 89380290
+49 30 8918025
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