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Auction archive: Lot number 1089

Autographed golf memorabilia

n. a.
Price realised:
ca. US$479
Auction archive: Lot number 1089

Autographed golf memorabilia

n. a.
Price realised:
ca. US$479

Autographed golf memorabilia, comprising: a group of ten mounted photographic displays of golfers, comprising: Mark Brooks, Bob Charles, Howard Clark Dan Forsman, David Frost, Scott Hoch, Nick Price, Loren Roberts, David Toms & Lanny Wadkins, each containing a portrait photograph, signature on card and printed legend, all 20 by 30.5cm., 8 by 12in.; sold together with author signed copies of Henry Cotton's The Game of Golf and Tony Jacklin's My Autobiography; a box of twelve wrapped Slazenger Star golf balls signed by Tony Jacklin; and a postal cover celebrating the 250th anniversary of the World's Oldest Golf Club in 1994 signed by Greg Norman and Seve Ballesteros (14)

Auction archive: Lot number 1089
8 Nov 2010
Auction house:
Graham Budd Auctions Ltd
P.O. Box 47519
London, N14 6XD
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 8366 2525

Autographed golf memorabilia, comprising: a group of ten mounted photographic displays of golfers, comprising: Mark Brooks, Bob Charles, Howard Clark Dan Forsman, David Frost, Scott Hoch, Nick Price, Loren Roberts, David Toms & Lanny Wadkins, each containing a portrait photograph, signature on card and printed legend, all 20 by 30.5cm., 8 by 12in.; sold together with author signed copies of Henry Cotton's The Game of Golf and Tony Jacklin's My Autobiography; a box of twelve wrapped Slazenger Star golf balls signed by Tony Jacklin; and a postal cover celebrating the 250th anniversary of the World's Oldest Golf Club in 1994 signed by Greg Norman and Seve Ballesteros (14)

Auction archive: Lot number 1089
8 Nov 2010
Auction house:
Graham Budd Auctions Ltd
P.O. Box 47519
London, N14 6XD
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 8366 2525
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