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Auction archive: Lot number 130

Attributed to Christian Georg Schütz II (Flörsheim 1758-1823...

£5,000 - £8,000
ca. US$7,435 - US$11,897
Price realised:
ca. US$13,941
Auction archive: Lot number 130

Attributed to Christian Georg Schütz II (Flörsheim 1758-1823...

£5,000 - £8,000
ca. US$7,435 - US$11,897
Price realised:
ca. US$13,941

Attributed to Christian Georg Schütz II (Flörsheim 1758-1823 Frankfurt)
An extensive mountainous landscape with a traveller crossing a bridge, a herd of cattle and a town beyond
Attributed to Christian Georg Schütz II (Flörsheim 1758-1823 Frankfurt) An extensive mountainous landscape with a traveller crossing a bridge, a herd of cattle and a town beyond oil on copper 11 x 16½ in. (27.9 x 41.9 cm.)

Auction archive: Lot number 130
2 Dec 2008
Auction house:
2 December 2008, London, South Kensington

Attributed to Christian Georg Schütz II (Flörsheim 1758-1823 Frankfurt)
An extensive mountainous landscape with a traveller crossing a bridge, a herd of cattle and a town beyond
Attributed to Christian Georg Schütz II (Flörsheim 1758-1823 Frankfurt) An extensive mountainous landscape with a traveller crossing a bridge, a herd of cattle and a town beyond oil on copper 11 x 16½ in. (27.9 x 41.9 cm.)

Auction archive: Lot number 130
2 Dec 2008
Auction house:
2 December 2008, London, South Kensington
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