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Auction archive: Lot number 13


Fine Books and Manuscripts
31 Mar 2024 - 10 Apr 2024
US$3,000 - US$5,000
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 13


Fine Books and Manuscripts
31 Mar 2024 - 10 Apr 2024
US$3,000 - US$5,000
Price realised:

Composite Atlas containing 22 hand-colored engraved maps including a world map, map of America, map of Asia, Africa and multiple maps of Europe. 4to. 18th century vellum, script titles on upper cover (mostly illegible); manuscript listing of contents on back paste-down, listing 30 maps (not accurately reflecting present contents). Maps include:
1. LOWITZ, GEORGE MORITZ. 1722-1774. Planiglobii terrestris. Mappa universalis utrumque Hemisphaerium Orient et Occidentale repraesentans.... Nuremburg: Homann heirs, 1746. Approximately 305 x 455 mm. Separating at vertical folds, some spotting and staining.
2. SEUTTER, MATTHAEUS. 1678-1756. Asia cum omnibus Imperiis provinciis statibus et Insulis luxta observationes recntissimas et accuratissimas.... Augsburg: Johann Michael Probst, n.d. (c. 1783). 492 x 560 mm. Light soiling, minor spotting.
3. SEUTTER, MATTHAEUS. Africa iuxta navigationes et observationes recentissima .... Augsburg: Johann Michael Probst, (c. 1783). 490 x 570 mm. A few minor stains.
4. SEUTTER, MATTHAEUS. Novus Orbis sive America meridionalis et septentrionalis..... Augsburg: Johann Michael Probst, n.d. (c.1783). 496 x 572 mm. A few spots of dampstaining at corners, separation starting at fold crease.
5. PROBST, JOHAN MICHAEL. 1701-1771. Europa religionis Christianæ a morum et pacis ac belli artium cultu.... [Augsburg: Johann Michael Probst], n.d. 490 x 565 mm. Light soiling and spotting.
5. GUSSEFELD, FRANZ LUDWIG. 1744-1807. Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae tabula generalis ad statum hodiernum in suas provincias divisa.... [Nuremburg: Homann heirs], 1782 (but later). 463 x 605 mm. Separating at vertical folds, light spotting.
6. DE WIT, F. Accuratissima Galliae tabula Gallis vulgo dicta le Royaume de France divisatam in praefecturas.... Amstel: Joachim Ottens, (c.1740). 399 x 582 mm. Separating at one horizontal fold crease, light spotting and toning.
7. LOTTER, TOBIAS CONRAD. 1717-1777. Magni Turcarum dominatoris Imperium per Europam, Asiam, et Africam, se extendens regiones..... [Augsburg: Jacob Christoph Weyerman, 1744.] 500 x 585 mm. Small loss inside printed area at left edge, some spotting, adhesive residue to part of verso.
8. GUSSEFELD, FRANZ LUDWIG. Nouvelle carte geographique de l'Empire d'Allemagne divise en ses cercles & sousdivise en principuates.... Nuremburg: [Homann heirs], 1789. 516 x 538 mm. Two very small holes with losses, toning and light spotting.
9. HOMANN, JOHANN BAPTIST. 1664-1724. Regnum Borussiae gloriosis auspicys serenissimiet potentissimi princip Frederici III.... Nuremburg: 1701. 474 x 566 mm. Light spotting.
10. MAYER, TOBIAS. Helvetia tredecim statibus liberis quos cantone suocant composita.... Nuremburg: Homann heirs, 1751. 420 x 535 mm. Separations starting at fold creases, 40 mm tear at lower left, light spotting and toning.
11. HOMANN, JOHANN BAPTIST. Regni Sueciae in omnes suas subjacentes provincias accurate divisi.... Nuremburg: Johann Baptist Homann, [1710]. 488 x 569 mm. Some separation at folds, minor spotting and browning.
12. GUSSEFELD, FRANZ LUDWIG. Charte das Russische Reich und die von den Tatarn bewohnte laender.... Nuremburg: Homann heirs, 1786. 459 x 606 mm. Separating at vertical fold, browning and spotting.
13. ZANNONI, GIOVANNI ANTONIO RIZZI. 1736-1814. Italia in suos Status divisa ex d'Anvillano Rizzsi Zannonioque prototypis desuintia.... Nuremburg: Homann heirs, 1790. 590 x 435 mm. Separation starting at horizontal fold crease from right edge, some soiling and toning.
14. SANSON, NICHOLAS. 1600-1667. Le Duche de Luxembourg divise en Francois, et Espagnol... Paris: Chez H. Jaillot, 1785. 435 x 578 mm. Light soiling, wear to edges.
15. [HOMANN, JOHANN BAPTIST.] Lotharingia tabula generalis in qua ducatus Lotharingiae et Barri nec non metensi.... Nuremberg: Johann Baptist Homann, [1756]. 487 x 567 mm. Spotting and toning.
16. LOTTER, TOBIAS CONRAD. Circulus Franconicus in quo continentur episcopat. Wuertzburgens Bambergensis et Auchstadiensis.... [Augsburg: Matthaeus Seutter, 1744.] 495 x 575 mm. Light soiling.
17. LOTTER, TOBIAS CONRAD. Nova et accuratissima Ducatus Wurtenbergici cum territoriis conterminis.... [Augsburg: Lotter], n.d. 497 x 585 mm. Light wear and soiling.
18. [HOMANN, JOHANN BAPTIST.] Neu vermehrte post charte durch gantz Teutschland nach Italien, Franckreich, Niederland, Preussen, Polen und Ungarn.... Nuremburg: Johann Baptist Homann, [1762]. 452 x 557. Separations at folds, scattered staining and soiling.
19. GUSSEFELD, FRANZ LUDWIG. Der suedliche Theil des Bisthums Luettich erhaltend der land Condros.... Nuremburg: Homann heirs, 1790. 726 x 585 mm. Some separation at corners of fold creases, light dampstaining.
20. LOTTER, TOBIAS CONRAD. XVII Provinciae Belgii sive Germania interioris.... [Augsburg: Lotter, c. 1730]. 489 x 575 mm. Separation at horizontal fold crease, light spotting.
21. [HOMANN, JOHANN BAPTIST.] Ducatus Brabantiae nova tabula in qua lovanii Bruxellarum.... Nuremburg: Johann Baptist Homann, (c.1720). 577 x 474 mm. A few small tears, light dampstaining to lower edge.
22. LOTTER, TOBIAS CONRAD. Superioris atque inferioris Alsatiae tabula perquam accuratsma exacta proximis regionibus.... [Augsburg: Lotter, c. 1760.] 529 x 480 mm. Toned, some stains from hand-coloring.
Staining and spotting to covers, inked titles and identifying numbers on verso of each map, some with pasted captions on versos, all maps with margins trimmed closely to edges of printed area.

Auction archive: Lot number 13
31 Mar 2024 - 10 Apr 2024
Auction house:
Bonhams London
101 New Bond Street
London, W1S 1SR
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 74477447
+44 (0)20 74477401

Composite Atlas containing 22 hand-colored engraved maps including a world map, map of America, map of Asia, Africa and multiple maps of Europe. 4to. 18th century vellum, script titles on upper cover (mostly illegible); manuscript listing of contents on back paste-down, listing 30 maps (not accurately reflecting present contents). Maps include:
1. LOWITZ, GEORGE MORITZ. 1722-1774. Planiglobii terrestris. Mappa universalis utrumque Hemisphaerium Orient et Occidentale repraesentans.... Nuremburg: Homann heirs, 1746. Approximately 305 x 455 mm. Separating at vertical folds, some spotting and staining.
2. SEUTTER, MATTHAEUS. 1678-1756. Asia cum omnibus Imperiis provinciis statibus et Insulis luxta observationes recntissimas et accuratissimas.... Augsburg: Johann Michael Probst, n.d. (c. 1783). 492 x 560 mm. Light soiling, minor spotting.
3. SEUTTER, MATTHAEUS. Africa iuxta navigationes et observationes recentissima .... Augsburg: Johann Michael Probst, (c. 1783). 490 x 570 mm. A few minor stains.
4. SEUTTER, MATTHAEUS. Novus Orbis sive America meridionalis et septentrionalis..... Augsburg: Johann Michael Probst, n.d. (c.1783). 496 x 572 mm. A few spots of dampstaining at corners, separation starting at fold crease.
5. PROBST, JOHAN MICHAEL. 1701-1771. Europa religionis Christianæ a morum et pacis ac belli artium cultu.... [Augsburg: Johann Michael Probst], n.d. 490 x 565 mm. Light soiling and spotting.
5. GUSSEFELD, FRANZ LUDWIG. 1744-1807. Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae tabula generalis ad statum hodiernum in suas provincias divisa.... [Nuremburg: Homann heirs], 1782 (but later). 463 x 605 mm. Separating at vertical folds, light spotting.
6. DE WIT, F. Accuratissima Galliae tabula Gallis vulgo dicta le Royaume de France divisatam in praefecturas.... Amstel: Joachim Ottens, (c.1740). 399 x 582 mm. Separating at one horizontal fold crease, light spotting and toning.
7. LOTTER, TOBIAS CONRAD. 1717-1777. Magni Turcarum dominatoris Imperium per Europam, Asiam, et Africam, se extendens regiones..... [Augsburg: Jacob Christoph Weyerman, 1744.] 500 x 585 mm. Small loss inside printed area at left edge, some spotting, adhesive residue to part of verso.
8. GUSSEFELD, FRANZ LUDWIG. Nouvelle carte geographique de l'Empire d'Allemagne divise en ses cercles & sousdivise en principuates.... Nuremburg: [Homann heirs], 1789. 516 x 538 mm. Two very small holes with losses, toning and light spotting.
9. HOMANN, JOHANN BAPTIST. 1664-1724. Regnum Borussiae gloriosis auspicys serenissimiet potentissimi princip Frederici III.... Nuremburg: 1701. 474 x 566 mm. Light spotting.
10. MAYER, TOBIAS. Helvetia tredecim statibus liberis quos cantone suocant composita.... Nuremburg: Homann heirs, 1751. 420 x 535 mm. Separations starting at fold creases, 40 mm tear at lower left, light spotting and toning.
11. HOMANN, JOHANN BAPTIST. Regni Sueciae in omnes suas subjacentes provincias accurate divisi.... Nuremburg: Johann Baptist Homann, [1710]. 488 x 569 mm. Some separation at folds, minor spotting and browning.
12. GUSSEFELD, FRANZ LUDWIG. Charte das Russische Reich und die von den Tatarn bewohnte laender.... Nuremburg: Homann heirs, 1786. 459 x 606 mm. Separating at vertical fold, browning and spotting.
13. ZANNONI, GIOVANNI ANTONIO RIZZI. 1736-1814. Italia in suos Status divisa ex d'Anvillano Rizzsi Zannonioque prototypis desuintia.... Nuremburg: Homann heirs, 1790. 590 x 435 mm. Separation starting at horizontal fold crease from right edge, some soiling and toning.
14. SANSON, NICHOLAS. 1600-1667. Le Duche de Luxembourg divise en Francois, et Espagnol... Paris: Chez H. Jaillot, 1785. 435 x 578 mm. Light soiling, wear to edges.
15. [HOMANN, JOHANN BAPTIST.] Lotharingia tabula generalis in qua ducatus Lotharingiae et Barri nec non metensi.... Nuremberg: Johann Baptist Homann, [1756]. 487 x 567 mm. Spotting and toning.
16. LOTTER, TOBIAS CONRAD. Circulus Franconicus in quo continentur episcopat. Wuertzburgens Bambergensis et Auchstadiensis.... [Augsburg: Matthaeus Seutter, 1744.] 495 x 575 mm. Light soiling.
17. LOTTER, TOBIAS CONRAD. Nova et accuratissima Ducatus Wurtenbergici cum territoriis conterminis.... [Augsburg: Lotter], n.d. 497 x 585 mm. Light wear and soiling.
18. [HOMANN, JOHANN BAPTIST.] Neu vermehrte post charte durch gantz Teutschland nach Italien, Franckreich, Niederland, Preussen, Polen und Ungarn.... Nuremburg: Johann Baptist Homann, [1762]. 452 x 557. Separations at folds, scattered staining and soiling.
19. GUSSEFELD, FRANZ LUDWIG. Der suedliche Theil des Bisthums Luettich erhaltend der land Condros.... Nuremburg: Homann heirs, 1790. 726 x 585 mm. Some separation at corners of fold creases, light dampstaining.
20. LOTTER, TOBIAS CONRAD. XVII Provinciae Belgii sive Germania interioris.... [Augsburg: Lotter, c. 1730]. 489 x 575 mm. Separation at horizontal fold crease, light spotting.
21. [HOMANN, JOHANN BAPTIST.] Ducatus Brabantiae nova tabula in qua lovanii Bruxellarum.... Nuremburg: Johann Baptist Homann, (c.1720). 577 x 474 mm. A few small tears, light dampstaining to lower edge.
22. LOTTER, TOBIAS CONRAD. Superioris atque inferioris Alsatiae tabula perquam accuratsma exacta proximis regionibus.... [Augsburg: Lotter, c. 1760.] 529 x 480 mm. Toned, some stains from hand-coloring.
Staining and spotting to covers, inked titles and identifying numbers on verso of each map, some with pasted captions on versos, all maps with margins trimmed closely to edges of printed area.

Auction archive: Lot number 13
31 Mar 2024 - 10 Apr 2024
Auction house:
Bonhams London
101 New Bond Street
London, W1S 1SR
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 74477447
+44 (0)20 74477401
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