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Auction archive: Lot number 8

An Imperial German flag: the 'Last

£300 - £400
ca. US$403 - US$537
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 8

An Imperial German flag: the 'Last

£300 - £400
ca. US$403 - US$537
Price realised:
n. a.

An Imperial German flag: the 'Last German flag to fly over Duala', 1915. In wool bunting, measuring 2900mm x 1850mm, the reinforced hoist sleeve retaining its original rope halyard and sewn with 12 brass rings. Attached to the flag with a steel pin, a piece of paper bearing, in Dobell's hand, the ink inscription: Last German flag to fly over Duala. Some moth damage but generally good condition and magnificent at this size.

Auction archive: Lot number 8
8 Dec 2020
Auction house:
Spink London

An Imperial German flag: the 'Last German flag to fly over Duala', 1915. In wool bunting, measuring 2900mm x 1850mm, the reinforced hoist sleeve retaining its original rope halyard and sewn with 12 brass rings. Attached to the flag with a steel pin, a piece of paper bearing, in Dobell's hand, the ink inscription: Last German flag to fly over Duala. Some moth damage but generally good condition and magnificent at this size.

Auction archive: Lot number 8
8 Dec 2020
Auction house:
Spink London
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