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Auction archive: Lot number 277

An early 19th Century Spode plate

Auktion 05.07.2013
5 Jul 2013
£50 - £80
ca. US$75 - US$121
Price realised:
ca. US$106
Auction archive: Lot number 277

An early 19th Century Spode plate

Auktion 05.07.2013
5 Jul 2013
£50 - £80
ca. US$75 - US$121
Price realised:
ca. US$106

An early 19th Century Spode plate An early 19th Century Spode plate, transfer printed in blue and white with the "Gothic Castle" pattern, 25 cm diameter, a 19th Century John and Richard Riley soup plate transfer printed in blue and white with the "Girl Musician" pattern, 25 1/2" diameter, two other 19th Century blue and white plates transfer printed in blue and white with the "Chinese Landscapes" and "Venetian Scenery" patterns and another with floral pattern (5)

Auction archive: Lot number 277
5 Jul 2013
Auction house:
Dee Atkinson & Harrison
Exchange Street
The Exchange Saleroom
Driffield, YO25 6LD
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1377 253151
+44 (0)1377 241041

An early 19th Century Spode plate An early 19th Century Spode plate, transfer printed in blue and white with the "Gothic Castle" pattern, 25 cm diameter, a 19th Century John and Richard Riley soup plate transfer printed in blue and white with the "Girl Musician" pattern, 25 1/2" diameter, two other 19th Century blue and white plates transfer printed in blue and white with the "Chinese Landscapes" and "Venetian Scenery" patterns and another with floral pattern (5)

Auction archive: Lot number 277
5 Jul 2013
Auction house:
Dee Atkinson & Harrison
Exchange Street
The Exchange Saleroom
Driffield, YO25 6LD
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1377 253151
+44 (0)1377 241041
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