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Auction archive: Lot number 773

An 18th century grey agate etui mounted ...

Price realised:
ca. US$566

An 18th century grey agate etui mounted with gold scrollwork decoration and set diamond, the hinged lid enclosing interior fitted with scissors, tweezers, bodkin miniature spoon, pencil etc. - some faults

Auction archive: Lot number 773
28 May 2021
Auction house:
Smiths of Newent
The Old Chapel Culver Street
Newent Gloucestershire, GL18 1DB
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1531 821776

An 18th century grey agate etui mounted with gold scrollwork decoration and set diamond, the hinged lid enclosing interior fitted with scissors, tweezers, bodkin miniature spoon, pencil etc. - some faults

Auction archive: Lot number 773
28 May 2021
Auction house:
Smiths of Newent
The Old Chapel Culver Street
Newent Gloucestershire, GL18 1DB
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1531 821776
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