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Auction archive: Lot number 16

Album of VirginiaEDWARD BEYER, 1858

US$15,000 - US$25,000
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 16

Album of VirginiaEDWARD BEYER, 1858

US$15,000 - US$25,000
Price realised:

Album of Virginia Edward Beyer 1858 BEYER, Edward (1820-1865). Album of Virginia. [Registered in Richmond, VA by Beyer but printed in Dresden and Berlin, 1858.] Hand-colored copy of Beyer's Virginia scenery. "This is a major outstanding item, the rarity of which is by no means fully appreciated" (Bennett). Edward Beyer a landscape artist trained in Düsseldorf, spent three years in Virginia working on the original drawings for this book, from 1854 to 1857. The fine prints are very much in the German Romantic school, with scenes of great natural beauty, including at Harper's Ferry, Natural Bridge, Kanawha Fall and of railway tunnels, caverns, etc. A large number of hot springs resorts are featured, coincidental with the poor health of Beyer's wife. Although Beyer portrayed at least one plantation including slave labor as an oil painting, depictions of slavery are notable by their absence in the printed volume. One wonders what Beyer would have thought when he heard the news of John Brown's raid at Harpers Ferry not much more than two years after he drew the town. The lithographs were printed by the German firms of Rau & Son and Wilhelm Loeillot. An octavo text volume was issued, but was separately issued and rarely accompanies the plates. A rare title, made even rarer with hand-colored plates. Bennett, p.10; Bobins 36; Deák 721; Howes B-413 ("b"); Sabin 5125. Oblong folio (418 x 623mm). Hand-colored lithographed title-page with five vignette scenes and 40 hand-colored tinted lithographed plates (a few short marginal edge-tears, some light spotting, spots within about six plates). Modern half morocco, morocco gilt titling label, to style.

Auction archive: Lot number 16
16 Jun 2023
Auction house:
King Street, St. James's 8
London, SW1Y 6QT
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7839 9060
+44 (0)20 73892869

Album of Virginia Edward Beyer 1858 BEYER, Edward (1820-1865). Album of Virginia. [Registered in Richmond, VA by Beyer but printed in Dresden and Berlin, 1858.] Hand-colored copy of Beyer's Virginia scenery. "This is a major outstanding item, the rarity of which is by no means fully appreciated" (Bennett). Edward Beyer a landscape artist trained in Düsseldorf, spent three years in Virginia working on the original drawings for this book, from 1854 to 1857. The fine prints are very much in the German Romantic school, with scenes of great natural beauty, including at Harper's Ferry, Natural Bridge, Kanawha Fall and of railway tunnels, caverns, etc. A large number of hot springs resorts are featured, coincidental with the poor health of Beyer's wife. Although Beyer portrayed at least one plantation including slave labor as an oil painting, depictions of slavery are notable by their absence in the printed volume. One wonders what Beyer would have thought when he heard the news of John Brown's raid at Harpers Ferry not much more than two years after he drew the town. The lithographs were printed by the German firms of Rau & Son and Wilhelm Loeillot. An octavo text volume was issued, but was separately issued and rarely accompanies the plates. A rare title, made even rarer with hand-colored plates. Bennett, p.10; Bobins 36; Deák 721; Howes B-413 ("b"); Sabin 5125. Oblong folio (418 x 623mm). Hand-colored lithographed title-page with five vignette scenes and 40 hand-colored tinted lithographed plates (a few short marginal edge-tears, some light spotting, spots within about six plates). Modern half morocco, morocco gilt titling label, to style.

Auction archive: Lot number 16
16 Jun 2023
Auction house:
King Street, St. James's 8
London, SW1Y 6QT
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7839 9060
+44 (0)20 73892869
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