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Auction archive: Lot number 14

After Pierre-Joseph Redoute

£1,200 - £1,800
ca. US$1,763 - US$2,645
Price realised:
ca. US$3,674
Auction archive: Lot number 14

After Pierre-Joseph Redoute

£1,200 - £1,800
ca. US$1,763 - US$2,645
Price realised:
ca. US$3,674

After Pierre-Joseph Redoute
Fraisier à Bouguets; Reine Claude franche; Framboisier; Cornichons blancs; Poive Tarquin; Abricot Pêche; Noisetier franc à gros fruits; Le Lys blanc; Phalangium; Tulipier; Heliotropium Corymbosum; Clematis Viticella; Lilas; Crocus sativus; Spaendoncea tamarandifolia; Glayeul en pointe; Platylobium; and Galliarda
After Pierre-Joseph Redoute Fraisier à Bouguets; Reine Claude franche; Framboisier; Cornichons blancs; Poive Tarquin; Abricot Pêche; Noisetier franc à gros fruits; Le Lys blanc; Phalangium; Tulipier; Heliotropium Corymbosum; Clematis Viticella; Lilas; Crocus sativus; Spaendoncea tamarandifolia; Glayeul en pointe; Platylobium; and Galliarda stipple engravings printed in colour and finished by hand 12 unframed S. 19¾ x 13in. (50.2 x 33cm.) (18)

Auction archive: Lot number 14
8 Apr 2009
Auction house:
8 April 2009, London, South Kensington

After Pierre-Joseph Redoute
Fraisier à Bouguets; Reine Claude franche; Framboisier; Cornichons blancs; Poive Tarquin; Abricot Pêche; Noisetier franc à gros fruits; Le Lys blanc; Phalangium; Tulipier; Heliotropium Corymbosum; Clematis Viticella; Lilas; Crocus sativus; Spaendoncea tamarandifolia; Glayeul en pointe; Platylobium; and Galliarda
After Pierre-Joseph Redoute Fraisier à Bouguets; Reine Claude franche; Framboisier; Cornichons blancs; Poive Tarquin; Abricot Pêche; Noisetier franc à gros fruits; Le Lys blanc; Phalangium; Tulipier; Heliotropium Corymbosum; Clematis Viticella; Lilas; Crocus sativus; Spaendoncea tamarandifolia; Glayeul en pointe; Platylobium; and Galliarda stipple engravings printed in colour and finished by hand 12 unframed S. 19¾ x 13in. (50.2 x 33cm.) (18)

Auction archive: Lot number 14
8 Apr 2009
Auction house:
8 April 2009, London, South Kensington
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