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Auction archive: Lot number 54

A well engineered model twin cylinder generating set

£400 - £500
ca. US$783 - US$979
Price realised:
ca. US$1,763
Auction archive: Lot number 54

A well engineered model twin cylinder generating set

£400 - £500
ca. US$783 - US$979
Price realised:
ca. US$1,763

A well engineered model twin cylinder generating set
A well engineered model twin cylinder generating set, built by B. F. Carter, and comprising two Stuart No.4 single cylinder vertical engines coupled together each with mahogany lagged cylinder 1½in. bore x 1¼in. stroke, inlet transfer pipe, cast bed and disc flywheel direct coupled to a round frame dynamo producing 17.5 volts AC, finished in light and dark brown, the engine mounted on a simulated brick plinth, wood display base -- 28 x 47cm. (11 x 18½in.)

Auction archive: Lot number 54
25 Jan 2007
Auction house:
25 January 2007, London, South Kensington

A well engineered model twin cylinder generating set
A well engineered model twin cylinder generating set, built by B. F. Carter, and comprising two Stuart No.4 single cylinder vertical engines coupled together each with mahogany lagged cylinder 1½in. bore x 1¼in. stroke, inlet transfer pipe, cast bed and disc flywheel direct coupled to a round frame dynamo producing 17.5 volts AC, finished in light and dark brown, the engine mounted on a simulated brick plinth, wood display base -- 28 x 47cm. (11 x 18½in.)

Auction archive: Lot number 54
25 Jan 2007
Auction house:
25 January 2007, London, South Kensington
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