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Auction archive: Lot number 477

A Three-Case Ivory Inro

Auction 07.11.2012
7 Nov 2012
£2,000 - £3,000
ca. US$3,191 - US$4,787
Price realised:
ca. US$2,991
Auction archive: Lot number 477

A Three-Case Ivory Inro

Auction 07.11.2012
7 Nov 2012
£2,000 - £3,000
ca. US$3,191 - US$4,787
Price realised:
ca. US$2,991

A Three-Case Ivory Inro Signed on an inlaid red lacquer tablet Masamune saku , Meiji Period (late 19th century) Decorated in gold hiramaki-e, takamaki-e and hirame and inlaid in shibayama style in mother-of-pearl, coral, stained ivory and tortoiseshell with a cockerel and hen beside flowering plum and chrysanthemums, ivory ojime en-suite similarly decorated with a bird and insect amongst plum 9cm. high

Auction archive: Lot number 477
7 Nov 2012
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

A Three-Case Ivory Inro Signed on an inlaid red lacquer tablet Masamune saku , Meiji Period (late 19th century) Decorated in gold hiramaki-e, takamaki-e and hirame and inlaid in shibayama style in mother-of-pearl, coral, stained ivory and tortoiseshell with a cockerel and hen beside flowering plum and chrysanthemums, ivory ojime en-suite similarly decorated with a bird and insect amongst plum 9cm. high

Auction archive: Lot number 477
7 Nov 2012
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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