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Auction archive: Lot number 176

A rose cut diamond and pearl brooch, and a similarly mounted bar brooch , the brooch designed as a flowerspray, the small bar brooch set with rose-cut diamonds between pearl trefoil clusters, both mounted in silver and gold, both late 19th Century, t...

Auction 08.10.1996
8 Oct 1996
£300 - £500
ca. US$475 - US$792
Price realised:
ca. US$547
Auction archive: Lot number 176

A rose cut diamond and pearl brooch, and a similarly mounted bar brooch , the brooch designed as a flowerspray, the small bar brooch set with rose-cut diamonds between pearl trefoil clusters, both mounted in silver and gold, both late 19th Century, t...

Auction 08.10.1996
8 Oct 1996
£300 - £500
ca. US$475 - US$792
Price realised:
ca. US$547

A rose cut diamond and pearl brooch, and a similarly mounted bar brooch , the brooch designed as a flowerspray, the small bar brooch set with rose-cut diamonds between pearl trefoil clusters, both mounted in silver and gold, both late 19th Century, the brooch 5.6cm. wide, the bar 4cm. wide See Plate 17 for part lot (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 176
8 Oct 1996
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

A rose cut diamond and pearl brooch, and a similarly mounted bar brooch , the brooch designed as a flowerspray, the small bar brooch set with rose-cut diamonds between pearl trefoil clusters, both mounted in silver and gold, both late 19th Century, the brooch 5.6cm. wide, the bar 4cm. wide See Plate 17 for part lot (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 176
8 Oct 1996
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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