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Auction archive: Lot number 293

A rare Italian 17th-century paper-on-wood sector

£700 - £1,000
ca. US$1,387 - US$1,981
Price realised:
ca. US$3,963
Auction archive: Lot number 293

A rare Italian 17th-century paper-on-wood sector

£700 - £1,000
ca. US$1,387 - US$1,981
Price realised:
ca. US$3,963

A rare Italian 17th-century paper-on-wood sector
BY GIACOMO LUSVERG (C. 1636-1689), DATED 1686
A rare Italian 17th-century paper-on-wood sector by Giacomo Lusverg (c. 1636-1689), dated 1686 paper pasted onto both sides of the wood, carrying manuscript scales for Poligonorum , Graduum Circula , Metalorum , Partium Æqualium (two minor repairs), foliage decoration to hinge, signed Iacobas [ sic ] Lu [ su ] erg Faciebat Roma 1686 7¾in. (19.5cm.) long unfolded

Auction archive: Lot number 293
23 Apr 2008
Auction house:
23 April 2008, London, South Kensington

A rare Italian 17th-century paper-on-wood sector
BY GIACOMO LUSVERG (C. 1636-1689), DATED 1686
A rare Italian 17th-century paper-on-wood sector by Giacomo Lusverg (c. 1636-1689), dated 1686 paper pasted onto both sides of the wood, carrying manuscript scales for Poligonorum , Graduum Circula , Metalorum , Partium Æqualium (two minor repairs), foliage decoration to hinge, signed Iacobas [ sic ] Lu [ su ] erg Faciebat Roma 1686 7¾in. (19.5cm.) long unfolded

Auction archive: Lot number 293
23 Apr 2008
Auction house:
23 April 2008, London, South Kensington
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