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Auction archive: Lot number 174

A rare Edwardian folding luggage ladder - elm wood on wrought-iron frame with inset metal rungs; triple folding sections with hooks for attachement to motor car luggage rack and leather binding strap with carrying handle; length extended 108ins (276c...

Auction 01.11.1999
1 Nov 1999
£600 - £900
ca. US$973 - US$1,460
Price realised:
ca. US$2,052
Auction archive: Lot number 174

A rare Edwardian folding luggage ladder - elm wood on wrought-iron frame with inset metal rungs; triple folding sections with hooks for attachement to motor car luggage rack and leather binding strap with carrying handle; length extended 108ins (276c...

Auction 01.11.1999
1 Nov 1999
£600 - £900
ca. US$973 - US$1,460
Price realised:
ca. US$2,052

A rare Edwardian folding luggage ladder - elm wood on wrought-iron frame with inset metal rungs; triple folding sections with hooks for attachement to motor car luggage rack and leather binding strap with carrying handle; length extended 108ins (276cm), folded 36in(92cm) English Patent c 1908.

Auction archive: Lot number 174
1 Nov 1999
Auction house:
London, King Street

A rare Edwardian folding luggage ladder - elm wood on wrought-iron frame with inset metal rungs; triple folding sections with hooks for attachement to motor car luggage rack and leather binding strap with carrying handle; length extended 108ins (276cm), folded 36in(92cm) English Patent c 1908.

Auction archive: Lot number 174
1 Nov 1999
Auction house:
London, King Street
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