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Auction archive: Lot number 578

A rare Bassett-Lowke three-rail electric BR 4-6-2 'Flying Scotsman' Locomotive and Tender in experimental blue livery

Auction 19.05.1994
19 May 1994
£1,000 - £1,500
ca. US$1,503 - US$2,254
Price realised:
ca. US$1,984
Auction archive: Lot number 578

A rare Bassett-Lowke three-rail electric BR 4-6-2 'Flying Scotsman' Locomotive and Tender in experimental blue livery

Auction 19.05.1994
19 May 1994
£1,000 - £1,500
ca. US$1,503 - US$2,254
Price realised:
ca. US$1,984

A rare Bassett-Lowke three-rail electric BR 4-6-2 'Flying Scotsman' Locomotive and Tender in experimental blue livery , in original box, circa 1950 (E, one dent to front buffer beam, box G, one lid corner split) (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 578
19 May 1994
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

A rare Bassett-Lowke three-rail electric BR 4-6-2 'Flying Scotsman' Locomotive and Tender in experimental blue livery , in original box, circa 1950 (E, one dent to front buffer beam, box G, one lid corner split) (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 578
19 May 1994
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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