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Auction archive: Lot number 1418

A PAIR OF SQUARE WHITE-PAINTED STONE PEDESTALS, each with a platform with moulded edges, above a plain body and a spreading, moulded square base (weathered; chips; the paint distressed), 19th century

Auction 12.10.1992
12 Oct 1992 - 14 Oct 1992
£1,500 - £2,500
ca. US$2,483 - US$4,139
Price realised:
ca. US$2,550
Auction archive: Lot number 1418

A PAIR OF SQUARE WHITE-PAINTED STONE PEDESTALS, each with a platform with moulded edges, above a plain body and a spreading, moulded square base (weathered; chips; the paint distressed), 19th century

Auction 12.10.1992
12 Oct 1992 - 14 Oct 1992
£1,500 - £2,500
ca. US$2,483 - US$4,139
Price realised:
ca. US$2,550

A PAIR OF SQUARE WHITE-PAINTED STONE PEDESTALS, each with a platform with moulded edges, above a plain body and a spreading, moulded square base (weathered; chips; the paint distressed), 19th century 33in. (83.8cm.) square; 37½in. (95.2cm.) high (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 1418
12 Oct 1992 - 14 Oct 1992
Auction house:
London, King Street

A PAIR OF SQUARE WHITE-PAINTED STONE PEDESTALS, each with a platform with moulded edges, above a plain body and a spreading, moulded square base (weathered; chips; the paint distressed), 19th century 33in. (83.8cm.) square; 37½in. (95.2cm.) high (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 1418
12 Oct 1992 - 14 Oct 1992
Auction house:
London, King Street
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