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Auction archive: Lot number 553

A pair of gilt framed and glazed watercolours - Thatched Cottages and Gardens - circa 1900 - signed FIT/F.I.T. Powell - 64cm x 50cm

£60 - £120
ca. US$76 - US$153
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 553

A pair of gilt framed and glazed watercolours - Thatched Cottages and Gardens - circa 1900 - signed FIT/F.I.T. Powell - 64cm x 50cm

£60 - £120
ca. US$76 - US$153
Price realised:
n. a.

A pair of gilt framed and glazed watercolours - Thatched Cottages and Gardens - circa 1900 - signed FIT/F.I.T. Powell - 64cm x 50cm A pair of gilt framed and glazed watercolours - Thatched Cottages and Gardens - circa 1900 - signed FIT/F.I.T. Powell - 64cm x 50cm

Auction archive: Lot number 553
10 Jun 2017
Auction house:
Willingham Auctions
25 High Street
Willingham Cambridge, CB24 5ES
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1954 261252

A pair of gilt framed and glazed watercolours - Thatched Cottages and Gardens - circa 1900 - signed FIT/F.I.T. Powell - 64cm x 50cm A pair of gilt framed and glazed watercolours - Thatched Cottages and Gardens - circa 1900 - signed FIT/F.I.T. Powell - 64cm x 50cm

Auction archive: Lot number 553
10 Jun 2017
Auction house:
Willingham Auctions
25 High Street
Willingham Cambridge, CB24 5ES
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1954 261252
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