Title: A Narrative of the Life, Travels, and Sufferings of Thomas W. Smith: Comprising an account of his early life, adoption by the gipsys [sic]; his travels during eighteen voyages to various parts of the world, during which he was five times shipwrecked... Author: Smith, Thomas W. Place: Boston Publisher: Wm. C. Hill Date: 1844 Description: 240 pp. 18x11.5 cm (7x4½"), modern quarter leather & cloth. First Edition. The eighteen voyages undertaken by Smith included seven whaling voyages to the South Pacific, with stops in Australia, etc. Howes S679. Lot Amendments Condition: Some foxing withing, marginal staining to early leaves, some wear to page edges, overall very good. Item number: 266880
Title: A Narrative of the Life, Travels, and Sufferings of Thomas W. Smith: Comprising an account of his early life, adoption by the gipsys [sic]; his travels during eighteen voyages to various parts of the world, during which he was five times shipwrecked... Author: Smith, Thomas W. Place: Boston Publisher: Wm. C. Hill Date: 1844 Description: 240 pp. 18x11.5 cm (7x4½"), modern quarter leather & cloth. First Edition. The eighteen voyages undertaken by Smith included seven whaling voyages to the South Pacific, with stops in Australia, etc. Howes S679. Lot Amendments Condition: Some foxing withing, marginal staining to early leaves, some wear to page edges, overall very good. Item number: 266880
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