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Auction archive: Lot number 58

A mid-19th century sailor's wool work picture of the HMS Exm...

Maritime Art
31 Jan 2007
US$7,000 - US$10,000
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 58

A mid-19th century sailor's wool work picture of the HMS Exm...

Maritime Art
31 Jan 2007
US$7,000 - US$10,000
Price realised:

A mid-19th century sailor's wool work picture of the H.M.S. Exmouth
A mid-19th century sailor's wool work picture of the H.M.S. Exmouth embroidered, the sky in white and cream and the sea in two different blues with white flecks for white caps. The ship in reds, browns, blacks, tan and cream, with brightly colored flags, and the name of the ship " H.M.S. Exmouth 1861 _ Cre." embroidered at the bottom. In a mahogany frame with a gold liner. 21¼ x 28¼ in. (54 x 71.8 cm.) framed

Auction archive: Lot number 58
31 Jan 2007
Auction house:
31 January 2007, New York, Rockefeller Center

A mid-19th century sailor's wool work picture of the H.M.S. Exmouth
A mid-19th century sailor's wool work picture of the H.M.S. Exmouth embroidered, the sky in white and cream and the sea in two different blues with white flecks for white caps. The ship in reds, browns, blacks, tan and cream, with brightly colored flags, and the name of the ship " H.M.S. Exmouth 1861 _ Cre." embroidered at the bottom. In a mahogany frame with a gold liner. 21¼ x 28¼ in. (54 x 71.8 cm.) framed

Auction archive: Lot number 58
31 Jan 2007
Auction house:
31 January 2007, New York, Rockefeller Center
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