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Auction archive: Lot number 181

A late Victorian mahogany and boxwood inlaid jardiniere stand , the circular moulded top above a cylindrical body inlaid with scrolling foliage and ribbon-tied harebell chains, on boxwood lined square tapering supports and splayed feet joined by a co...

Auction 16.11.1994
16 Nov 1994
£300 - £500
ca. US$476 - US$794
Price realised:
ca. US$1,096
Auction archive: Lot number 181

A late Victorian mahogany and boxwood inlaid jardiniere stand , the circular moulded top above a cylindrical body inlaid with scrolling foliage and ribbon-tied harebell chains, on boxwood lined square tapering supports and splayed feet joined by a co...

Auction 16.11.1994
16 Nov 1994
£300 - £500
ca. US$476 - US$794
Price realised:
ca. US$1,096

A late Victorian mahogany and boxwood inlaid jardiniere stand , the circular moulded top above a cylindrical body inlaid with scrolling foliage and ribbon-tied harebell chains, on boxwood lined square tapering supports and splayed feet joined by a concave rectangular undertier, 13in. (33cm) diam

Auction archive: Lot number 181
16 Nov 1994
Auction house:

A late Victorian mahogany and boxwood inlaid jardiniere stand , the circular moulded top above a cylindrical body inlaid with scrolling foliage and ribbon-tied harebell chains, on boxwood lined square tapering supports and splayed feet joined by a concave rectangular undertier, 13in. (33cm) diam

Auction archive: Lot number 181
16 Nov 1994
Auction house:
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