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Auction archive: Lot number 1238

A large Italian maiolica 'Alexander the

Price realised:
ca. US$5,970
Auction archive: Lot number 1238

A large Italian maiolica 'Alexander the

Price realised:
ca. US$5,970

A large Italian maiolica 'Alexander the Great' armorial charger, Francesco Grue workshop, Castelli, 17th C.
Dia.: 42,5 cm Condition: (UV-checked) - A restored vertical break across from ca. 12.30 o'clock to ca. 6 o'clock, with an extending horizontal break towards the rim at ca. 3.30 o'clock. Otherwise in excellent condition. - The restoration executed to a museum standard, i.e. not or hardly visible from 50 cm and further, but slightly visible from nearby. The centre with a scene from the life of Alexander the Great, Alexander covering the body of Darius after an engraving by Antoine Tempesta. See also: - Christie's, London, May 30-31, Lot 509, for a very similar example with a different coat of arms. ( link ) (Sold: GBP 8.750)

Auction archive: Lot number 1238
28 Apr 2019
Auction house:
Rob Michiels Auctions
Genthof 9
8000 Brugge
+32 (0)50 343603

A large Italian maiolica 'Alexander the Great' armorial charger, Francesco Grue workshop, Castelli, 17th C.
Dia.: 42,5 cm Condition: (UV-checked) - A restored vertical break across from ca. 12.30 o'clock to ca. 6 o'clock, with an extending horizontal break towards the rim at ca. 3.30 o'clock. Otherwise in excellent condition. - The restoration executed to a museum standard, i.e. not or hardly visible from 50 cm and further, but slightly visible from nearby. The centre with a scene from the life of Alexander the Great, Alexander covering the body of Darius after an engraving by Antoine Tempesta. See also: - Christie's, London, May 30-31, Lot 509, for a very similar example with a different coat of arms. ( link ) (Sold: GBP 8.750)

Auction archive: Lot number 1238
28 Apr 2019
Auction house:
Rob Michiels Auctions
Genthof 9
8000 Brugge
+32 (0)50 343603
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