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Auction archive: Lot number 398

A large group of bronze Antiquities

26 Oct 2007
Price realised:
ca. US$1,226
Auction archive: Lot number 398

A large group of bronze Antiquities

26 Oct 2007
Price realised:
ca. US$1,226

A large group of bronze Antiquities Circa 1st Millennium B.C./A.D. and later Including a bronze model throne with winged finials, openwork squares in the back, with a narrow rectangular seat and elaborately shaped legs, two missing, 5¾in (14.5cm) high; two Ancient Near Eastern bronze quadrupeds, 1½in (4cm) long; a Luristan bronze pin with a five noduled terminal, 5½in (13.9cm); a Roman bronze dolphin headed attachment plate with punched dot and circle design, 27/8in (7.3cm); an Anglo-Saxon gilt bronze buckle plate with two zoomorphic heads and bronze rivets, 23/8in (6cm); various other bronze buckles, pins, arrowheads, pennanular rings, fittings and fragments; some silver rings and some small flint flakes; a Medieval tap and an Islamic bird-headed pin (a lot)

Auction archive: Lot number 398
26 Oct 2007
Auction house:
Bonhams London
London, New Bond Street 101 New Bond Street London W1S 1SR Tel: +44 20 7447 7447 Fax : +44 207 447 7401

A large group of bronze Antiquities Circa 1st Millennium B.C./A.D. and later Including a bronze model throne with winged finials, openwork squares in the back, with a narrow rectangular seat and elaborately shaped legs, two missing, 5¾in (14.5cm) high; two Ancient Near Eastern bronze quadrupeds, 1½in (4cm) long; a Luristan bronze pin with a five noduled terminal, 5½in (13.9cm); a Roman bronze dolphin headed attachment plate with punched dot and circle design, 27/8in (7.3cm); an Anglo-Saxon gilt bronze buckle plate with two zoomorphic heads and bronze rivets, 23/8in (6cm); various other bronze buckles, pins, arrowheads, pennanular rings, fittings and fragments; some silver rings and some small flint flakes; a Medieval tap and an Islamic bird-headed pin (a lot)

Auction archive: Lot number 398
26 Oct 2007
Auction house:
Bonhams London
London, New Bond Street 101 New Bond Street London W1S 1SR Tel: +44 20 7447 7447 Fax : +44 207 447 7401
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