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Auction archive: Lot number 194

A GROUP OF INRO AND NETSUKE,** including a small four-case metal inro, with cloisonné enamels flowers and foliate scrolls, with coral ojime and ivory netsuke of an emaciated dog; a hexagonal wood single case tobacco box, carved with figures and calli...

Auction 18.03.1997
18 Mar 1997
US$1,500 - US$2,000
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 194

A GROUP OF INRO AND NETSUKE,** including a small four-case metal inro, with cloisonné enamels flowers and foliate scrolls, with coral ojime and ivory netsuke of an emaciated dog; a hexagonal wood single case tobacco box, carved with figures and calli...

Auction 18.03.1997
18 Mar 1997
US$1,500 - US$2,000
Price realised:

A GROUP OF INRO AND NETSUKE,** including a small four-case metal inro, with cloisonné enamels flowers and foliate scrolls, with coral ojime and ivory netsuke of an emaciated dog; a hexagonal wood single case tobacco box, carved with figures and calligraphic inscription, inlaid metal ojime and wood netsuke; a wood and lacquer two-case inro, the cases left in natural form, one side lacquered with Okame looking out of a moon window, the reverse with two fleeing oni , wood ojime and ivory kagamibuta carved with Daruma; a wood netsuke carved as a group of puppies; and an ivory okimono style netsuke carved as a deity reading from a scroll with two children at her side (5)

Auction archive: Lot number 194
18 Mar 1997
Auction house:
New York, East

A GROUP OF INRO AND NETSUKE,** including a small four-case metal inro, with cloisonné enamels flowers and foliate scrolls, with coral ojime and ivory netsuke of an emaciated dog; a hexagonal wood single case tobacco box, carved with figures and calligraphic inscription, inlaid metal ojime and wood netsuke; a wood and lacquer two-case inro, the cases left in natural form, one side lacquered with Okame looking out of a moon window, the reverse with two fleeing oni , wood ojime and ivory kagamibuta carved with Daruma; a wood netsuke carved as a group of puppies; and an ivory okimono style netsuke carved as a deity reading from a scroll with two children at her side (5)

Auction archive: Lot number 194
18 Mar 1997
Auction house:
New York, East
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