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Auction archive: Lot number 5629

A group of four white jade and celadon jade 'plants' pendants, Qing dynasty, 19th century 清十九世紀 白玉及青玉珮一組四件

HK$30,000 - HK$50,000
ca. US$3,840 - US$6,400
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 5629

A group of four white jade and celadon jade 'plants' pendants, Qing dynasty, 19th century 清十九世紀 白玉及青玉珮一組四件

HK$30,000 - HK$50,000
ca. US$3,840 - US$6,400
Price realised:
n. a.

The Victor Shaw Collection of Chinese Jades 邵維錫藏中國玉雕A group of four white jade and celadon jade 'plants' pendants,Qing dynasty, 19th century清十九世紀 白玉及青玉珮一組四件comprising:a white jade 'Three Friends of Winter' pendant;a pale celadon jade 'magpie, plum, and lingzhi' pendant;a celadon jade 'water chestnut and magpie' pendant;and a white jade 'bat and peach' pendant包括:白玉歲寒三友珮一件;青白玉喜上眉梢珮一件;青玉喜鵲荸薺珮一件;及 白玉福至心靈珮一件
largest h. 5.9 cm

Auction archive: Lot number 5629
5 Dec 2023
Auction house:
34-35 New Bond St.
London, W1A 2AA
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7293 5000
+44 (0)20 7293 5989

The Victor Shaw Collection of Chinese Jades 邵維錫藏中國玉雕A group of four white jade and celadon jade 'plants' pendants,Qing dynasty, 19th century清十九世紀 白玉及青玉珮一組四件comprising:a white jade 'Three Friends of Winter' pendant;a pale celadon jade 'magpie, plum, and lingzhi' pendant;a celadon jade 'water chestnut and magpie' pendant;and a white jade 'bat and peach' pendant包括:白玉歲寒三友珮一件;青白玉喜上眉梢珮一件;青玉喜鵲荸薺珮一件;及 白玉福至心靈珮一件
largest h. 5.9 cm

Auction archive: Lot number 5629
5 Dec 2023
Auction house:
34-35 New Bond St.
London, W1A 2AA
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7293 5000
+44 (0)20 7293 5989
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