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Auction archive: Lot number 404

A Group of Banknotes of Iran, the

£150 - £200
ca. US$212 - US$283
Price realised:
ca. US$212
Auction archive: Lot number 404

A Group of Banknotes of Iran, the

£150 - £200
ca. US$212 - US$283
Price realised:
ca. US$212

A Group of Banknotes of Iran, the Property of a Gentleman British Legation, Tehran, Second Bill of Exchange, 187–, uniface proof on paper, ‘on account of the expenditure of Her Majesty’s Mission at the Court of Persia for the Government of India ’, ‘From This’ pencilled at lower right. Mount marks on back of left side, otherwise good very fine to extremely fine £150-200

Auction archive: Lot number 404
10 Apr 2018
Auction house:
Dix Noonan Webb
16 Bolton St, Mayfair
London, W1J 8BQ
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7016 1700
+44 (0)20 7016 1799

A Group of Banknotes of Iran, the Property of a Gentleman British Legation, Tehran, Second Bill of Exchange, 187–, uniface proof on paper, ‘on account of the expenditure of Her Majesty’s Mission at the Court of Persia for the Government of India ’, ‘From This’ pencilled at lower right. Mount marks on back of left side, otherwise good very fine to extremely fine £150-200

Auction archive: Lot number 404
10 Apr 2018
Auction house:
Dix Noonan Webb
16 Bolton St, Mayfair
London, W1J 8BQ
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7016 1700
+44 (0)20 7016 1799
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