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Auction archive: Lot number 2189

A group of Antique jewelry

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Auction archive: Lot number 2189

A group of Antique jewelry

Price realised:

A group of Antique jewelry Print Including tortoiseshell, plastic, brown organic material and operculum shell, five necklaces and two bangles. est: $300/500 *Price Realized: $330.00 Condition: Each piece is in overall good condition with scratching and chips commensurate with age and wear. Due to laws regulating the sale of tortoise shell, this lot cannot be sold to bidders outside of the United States and cannot be shipped internationally. Any questions regarding regulations on shipments of such items to your area should be directed to your preferred shipper. Prev Next

Auction archive: Lot number 2189
23 May 2017
Auction house:
John Moran Auctioneers
West Woodbury Rd. 735
Altadena CA 91001
United States
+1 (626)793 1833

A group of Antique jewelry Print Including tortoiseshell, plastic, brown organic material and operculum shell, five necklaces and two bangles. est: $300/500 *Price Realized: $330.00 Condition: Each piece is in overall good condition with scratching and chips commensurate with age and wear. Due to laws regulating the sale of tortoise shell, this lot cannot be sold to bidders outside of the United States and cannot be shipped internationally. Any questions regarding regulations on shipments of such items to your area should be directed to your preferred shipper. Prev Next

Auction archive: Lot number 2189
23 May 2017
Auction house:
John Moran Auctioneers
West Woodbury Rd. 735
Altadena CA 91001
United States
+1 (626)793 1833
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