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Auction archive: Lot number 20

A George II style mahogany Console Table

Price realised:
ca. US$19,524
Auction archive: Lot number 20

A George II style mahogany Console Table

Price realised:
ca. US$19,524

in the manner of William Jones the rectangular top with projecting corners above an egg and leaf moulding and guilloche carved frieze above a pierced scrolling acanthus carved frieze centred by a scaley cabochon on cabriole scaley legs headed by acanthus leaves and trailing bellflowers on leaf, scroll and block feet, 127cm wide, 67cm deep, 86cm high (50in wide, 26in deep, 33.5in high).

Auction archive: Lot number 20
3 Jul 2007
Auction house:
Bonhams London
London, New Bond Street 101 New Bond Street London W1S 1SR Tel: +44 20 7447 7447 Fax : +44 207 447 7401

in the manner of William Jones the rectangular top with projecting corners above an egg and leaf moulding and guilloche carved frieze above a pierced scrolling acanthus carved frieze centred by a scaley cabochon on cabriole scaley legs headed by acanthus leaves and trailing bellflowers on leaf, scroll and block feet, 127cm wide, 67cm deep, 86cm high (50in wide, 26in deep, 33.5in high).

Auction archive: Lot number 20
3 Jul 2007
Auction house:
Bonhams London
London, New Bond Street 101 New Bond Street London W1S 1SR Tel: +44 20 7447 7447 Fax : +44 207 447 7401
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