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Auction archive: Lot number 503

A FRANCO-FLEMISH BAROQUE WALNUT OPEN ARMCHAIR, with an arched rectangular over-upholstered back, S-scrolling arms and padded seat, on block-and-baluster turned legs, upholstered in foliate allover needlepoint, together with , a Franco-Flemish Baroque...

Auction 05.02.1997
5 Feb 1997
US$1,200 - US$1,800
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 503

A FRANCO-FLEMISH BAROQUE WALNUT OPEN ARMCHAIR, with an arched rectangular over-upholstered back, S-scrolling arms and padded seat, on block-and-baluster turned legs, upholstered in foliate allover needlepoint, together with , a Franco-Flemish Baroque...

Auction 05.02.1997
5 Feb 1997
US$1,200 - US$1,800
Price realised:

A FRANCO-FLEMISH BAROQUE WALNUT OPEN ARMCHAIR, with an arched rectangular over-upholstered back, S-scrolling arms and padded seat, on block-and-baluster turned legs, upholstered in foliate allover needlepoint, together with , a Franco-Flemish Baroque open armchair, upholstered in similar needlepoint (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 503
5 Feb 1997
Auction house:
New York, East

A FRANCO-FLEMISH BAROQUE WALNUT OPEN ARMCHAIR, with an arched rectangular over-upholstered back, S-scrolling arms and padded seat, on block-and-baluster turned legs, upholstered in foliate allover needlepoint, together with , a Franco-Flemish Baroque open armchair, upholstered in similar needlepoint (2)

Auction archive: Lot number 503
5 Feb 1997
Auction house:
New York, East
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