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Auction archive: Lot number 196

A finely detailed 1:48 scale builder's style model of the Talisman Class Destroyer H.M.S. 'Termagent' originally built by M/S Hawthorn Leslie & Co Ltd. Hepburn-on-Tyne 1916 with masts, aerials, signal halyards and rigging, anchors, capstans, fairlead...

Auction 14.11.1996
14 Nov 1996
£8,000 - £10,000
ca. US$13,301 - US$16,626
Price realised:
ca. US$21,032
Auction archive: Lot number 196

A finely detailed 1:48 scale builder's style model of the Talisman Class Destroyer H.M.S. 'Termagent' originally built by M/S Hawthorn Leslie & Co Ltd. Hepburn-on-Tyne 1916 with masts, aerials, signal halyards and rigging, anchors, capstans, fairlead...

Auction 14.11.1996
14 Nov 1996
£8,000 - £10,000
ca. US$13,301 - US$16,626
Price realised:
ca. US$21,032

A finely detailed 1:48 scale builder's style model of the Talisman Class Destroyer H.M.S. 'Termagent' originally built by M/S Hawthorn Leslie & Co Ltd. Hepburn-on-Tyne 1916 with masts, aerials, signal halyards and rigging, anchors, capstans, fairleads, bollards, deck rails, tripod mounted ventilators, main and secondary armament with ready use ammunition in racks, coaling scuttles, wheelhouse with open bridge over with helm, telegraphs, binnacle, chart table, search light and semaphore, companionways, lockers, stayed funnels with safety valve extension pipes, sirens and ladder, two twin torpedo tubes, davits, spray hood frames, bins, rope reels, vent pipes, carley floats with oars, lifeboat and dinghy with bottom boards, thwarts and oars in chocks and davits and motor pinnace in davits and much other fine detailing. The hull, with three shafts, three blade propellors and rudder is finished in pink, grey, black and brown and mounted on two turned plated columns in mahogany framed glazed case -- 27½ x 87in. (70 x 221cm.) See colour illustration

Auction archive: Lot number 196
14 Nov 1996
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

A finely detailed 1:48 scale builder's style model of the Talisman Class Destroyer H.M.S. 'Termagent' originally built by M/S Hawthorn Leslie & Co Ltd. Hepburn-on-Tyne 1916 with masts, aerials, signal halyards and rigging, anchors, capstans, fairleads, bollards, deck rails, tripod mounted ventilators, main and secondary armament with ready use ammunition in racks, coaling scuttles, wheelhouse with open bridge over with helm, telegraphs, binnacle, chart table, search light and semaphore, companionways, lockers, stayed funnels with safety valve extension pipes, sirens and ladder, two twin torpedo tubes, davits, spray hood frames, bins, rope reels, vent pipes, carley floats with oars, lifeboat and dinghy with bottom boards, thwarts and oars in chocks and davits and motor pinnace in davits and much other fine detailing. The hull, with three shafts, three blade propellors and rudder is finished in pink, grey, black and brown and mounted on two turned plated columns in mahogany framed glazed case -- 27½ x 87in. (70 x 221cm.) See colour illustration

Auction archive: Lot number 196
14 Nov 1996
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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