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Auction archive: Lot number 32

A fine Dan mask

US$10,000 - US$15,000
Price realised:
Auction archive: Lot number 32

A fine Dan mask

US$10,000 - US$15,000
Price realised:

A fine Dan mask of delicate proportions, pierced around the rim and a transverse furrow at the crown for attachment, the pointed chin and downturned mouth with full lips and inset pointed, metal teeth, the small nose with frown lines emanating around the mouth, the slit eyes bisected by a medial ridge; '25' in pigment at reverse; dark brown surface with taught quality and grain exposed from age. height 8 1/4 in. 21cm

Auction archive: Lot number 32
17 Nov 2006
Auction house:
New York

A fine Dan mask of delicate proportions, pierced around the rim and a transverse furrow at the crown for attachment, the pointed chin and downturned mouth with full lips and inset pointed, metal teeth, the small nose with frown lines emanating around the mouth, the slit eyes bisected by a medial ridge; '25' in pigment at reverse; dark brown surface with taught quality and grain exposed from age. height 8 1/4 in. 21cm

Auction archive: Lot number 32
17 Nov 2006
Auction house:
New York
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