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Auction archive: Lot number 461

A Dutch silver jardinière with blue glass liner, two sweetmeat baskets and a punch ladle with black wooden handle

Auction 26.05.1998
26 May 1998
NLG1,000 - NLG1,500
ca. US$498 - US$748
Price realised:
ca. US$1,093
Auction archive: Lot number 461

A Dutch silver jardinière with blue glass liner, two sweetmeat baskets and a punch ladle with black wooden handle

Auction 26.05.1998
26 May 1998
NLG1,000 - NLG1,500
ca. US$498 - US$748
Price realised:
ca. US$1,093

A Dutch silver jardinière with blue glass liner, two sweetmeat baskets and a punch ladle with black wooden handle Maker's mark of J.M. van Kempen, Voorschoten, 1907 and various maker's marks, 1901 and 19th Century The first shaped rectangular and pierced into Louis Seize motifs, with two ribbon-shaped handles and on four ball feet; two baskets pierced into foliage; and a shaped plain silver punch ladle with turned black wooden handle 24.5cm/16.1cm (9.5/8in./6.3/8in.) wide marked underneath and at the body 168gr. sweetmeat baskets (4)

Auction archive: Lot number 461
26 May 1998
Auction house:

A Dutch silver jardinière with blue glass liner, two sweetmeat baskets and a punch ladle with black wooden handle Maker's mark of J.M. van Kempen, Voorschoten, 1907 and various maker's marks, 1901 and 19th Century The first shaped rectangular and pierced into Louis Seize motifs, with two ribbon-shaped handles and on four ball feet; two baskets pierced into foliage; and a shaped plain silver punch ladle with turned black wooden handle 24.5cm/16.1cm (9.5/8in./6.3/8in.) wide marked underneath and at the body 168gr. sweetmeat baskets (4)

Auction archive: Lot number 461
26 May 1998
Auction house:
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