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Auction archive: Lot number 321

A Chinese brown glazed jarlet Three Chinese graduating celadon glazed oval planters -- 18½in. (47cms) wide; and thirteen grisaille painted European tea cups.

Auction 30.03.2000
30 Mar 2000
£25 - £100
ca. US$39 - US$157
Price realised:
ca. US$145
Auction archive: Lot number 321

A Chinese brown glazed jarlet Three Chinese graduating celadon glazed oval planters -- 18½in. (47cms) wide; and thirteen grisaille painted European tea cups.

Auction 30.03.2000
30 Mar 2000
£25 - £100
ca. US$39 - US$157
Price realised:
ca. US$145

A Chinese brown glazed jarlet Three Chinese graduating celadon glazed oval planters -- 18½in. (47cms) wide; and thirteen grisaille painted European tea cups. of globular form with short everted neck and foot -- 2½in. (6.3cm.) high, Song Dynasty , with paper label from the Stanley Smith Collection, 1914; three Chinese graduating celadon glazed stoneware oval planters -- 18½in. (47cms) wide max, the largest with incised seal mark to base ; and twelve English bat printed grisaille decorated tea cups, early 19th Century.

Auction archive: Lot number 321
30 Mar 2000
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

A Chinese brown glazed jarlet Three Chinese graduating celadon glazed oval planters -- 18½in. (47cms) wide; and thirteen grisaille painted European tea cups. of globular form with short everted neck and foot -- 2½in. (6.3cm.) high, Song Dynasty , with paper label from the Stanley Smith Collection, 1914; three Chinese graduating celadon glazed stoneware oval planters -- 18½in. (47cms) wide max, the largest with incised seal mark to base ; and twelve English bat printed grisaille decorated tea cups, early 19th Century.

Auction archive: Lot number 321
30 Mar 2000
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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