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Auction archive: Lot number 1042

A Blue-Glazed Jar

Fine Art & Antiques
6 Jun 2017 - 8 Jun 2017
SEK15,000 - SEK20,000
ca. US$1,721 - US$2,294
Price realised:
n. a.
Auction archive: Lot number 1042

A Blue-Glazed Jar

Fine Art & Antiques
6 Jun 2017 - 8 Jun 2017
SEK15,000 - SEK20,000
ca. US$1,721 - US$2,294
Price realised:
n. a.

A Blue-Glazed Jar, potted with broad, rounded shoulders, tapering body and short cylindrical mouth with slightly lipped rim, the exterior covered with a dark blue glaze shading to a paler tone at the mouth rim, the interior glazed white, the base unglazed, Ming dynasty, 16th century, height c. 10.5 cm; wear, scratches Compare with a similar jar sold at Christie's, New York, 20 September 2002, lot 316

Auction archive: Lot number 1042
6 Jun 2017 - 8 Jun 2017
Auction house:
Stockholms Auktionsverk
Nybrogatan 32
? Stockholm
+46 (0)8 4536750
+46 (0)8 242407

A Blue-Glazed Jar, potted with broad, rounded shoulders, tapering body and short cylindrical mouth with slightly lipped rim, the exterior covered with a dark blue glaze shading to a paler tone at the mouth rim, the interior glazed white, the base unglazed, Ming dynasty, 16th century, height c. 10.5 cm; wear, scratches Compare with a similar jar sold at Christie's, New York, 20 September 2002, lot 316

Auction archive: Lot number 1042
6 Jun 2017 - 8 Jun 2017
Auction house:
Stockholms Auktionsverk
Nybrogatan 32
? Stockholm
+46 (0)8 4536750
+46 (0)8 242407
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