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Auction archive: Lot number 443

A Bassett-Lowke three-rail electric LMS 0-6-0 Side Tank Locomotive No. 78, finished in original paintwork (pick-up detached, couplings not original) , a Bing for Bassett-Lowke clockwork MR Deeley Compound 4-4-0 locomotive with six wheel tender No. 10...

Auction 26.03.1992
26 Mar 1992
£200 - £300
ca. US$344 - US$517
Price realised:
ca. US$607
Auction archive: Lot number 443

A Bassett-Lowke three-rail electric LMS 0-6-0 Side Tank Locomotive No. 78, finished in original paintwork (pick-up detached, couplings not original) , a Bing for Bassett-Lowke clockwork MR Deeley Compound 4-4-0 locomotive with six wheel tender No. 10...

Auction 26.03.1992
26 Mar 1992
£200 - £300
ca. US$344 - US$517
Price realised:
ca. US$607

A Bassett-Lowke three-rail electric LMS 0-6-0 Side Tank Locomotive No. 78, finished in original paintwork (pick-up detached, couplings not original) , a Bing for Bassett-Lowke clockwork MR Deeley Compound 4-4-0 locomotive with six wheel tender No. 1000, in an original track box; and a Continental SBB CFF bogie Dining Car with sprung pantograph

Auction archive: Lot number 443
26 Mar 1992
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

A Bassett-Lowke three-rail electric LMS 0-6-0 Side Tank Locomotive No. 78, finished in original paintwork (pick-up detached, couplings not original) , a Bing for Bassett-Lowke clockwork MR Deeley Compound 4-4-0 locomotive with six wheel tender No. 1000, in an original track box; and a Continental SBB CFF bogie Dining Car with sprung pantograph

Auction archive: Lot number 443
26 Mar 1992
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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