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Auction archive: Lot number 181

A Bassett-Lowke clockwork 60cm. Single-Screw Single-Funnel'P' Torpedo Boat

Auction 18.12.2005
18 Dec 2005
£300 - £500
ca. US$523 - US$872
Price realised:
ca. US$942
Auction archive: Lot number 181

A Bassett-Lowke clockwork 60cm. Single-Screw Single-Funnel'P' Torpedo Boat

Auction 18.12.2005
18 Dec 2005
£300 - £500
ca. US$523 - US$872
Price realised:
ca. US$942

A Bassett-Lowke clockwork 60cm. Single-Screw Single-Funnel'P' Torpedo Boat painted in grey, with one forward gun, six dummy ventilators, mast, twin torpedo tubes and white Ensign, hull hewn from layered pine with lead keel, with original receipt from Bassett-Lowke for Six Pounds Ten Shillings dated August 30th 1929,in wooden case (VG, case VG)

Auction archive: Lot number 181
18 Dec 2005
Auction house:
London, South Kensington

A Bassett-Lowke clockwork 60cm. Single-Screw Single-Funnel'P' Torpedo Boat painted in grey, with one forward gun, six dummy ventilators, mast, twin torpedo tubes and white Ensign, hull hewn from layered pine with lead keel, with original receipt from Bassett-Lowke for Six Pounds Ten Shillings dated August 30th 1929,in wooden case (VG, case VG)

Auction archive: Lot number 181
18 Dec 2005
Auction house:
London, South Kensington
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