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Auction archive: Lot number 68/3219

68 3219 Classical antiquity and

Auction 28.05.2018
28 May 2018 - 1 Jun 2018
€150 - €250
ca. US$174 - US$290
Price realised:
ca. US$290
Auction archive: Lot number 68/3219

68 3219 Classical antiquity and

Auction 28.05.2018
28 May 2018 - 1 Jun 2018
€150 - €250
ca. US$174 - US$290
Price realised:
ca. US$290

68 3219 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Arrianus L F 68/3219 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Arrianus, L.F. Ars tactica, Acies contra Alanos (...). Amst., Janssonius van Waesberge, 1683, (12),450,(4)p., engr. title, 2 fold. maps (incl. 1 large map of the Indian Ocean w. 2 sm. inset maps, i.a. of the Arctics ("Hyper-Borei")), 1 fold. plate, (full-p.) schematic text ills., Greek and Latin text, contemp. gilt vellum schoolprize binding of Maastricht (Spoelder 3). - Bookplate and 2 sm. owner's tickets on upper pastedown; occas. sl. foxed. = Schweiger p.68; Jähns I, p.95ff: "Wie Xenophon in seinem Werke über die Lakedämonier ein Bild der altdorischen Scharung und Kampfart entrollt, so Arrian in seiner Ars Tactica ein Bild der alexandrinischen Phalangentaktik."

Auction archive: Lot number 68/3219
28 May 2018 - 1 Jun 2018
Auction house:
Bubb Kuyper Veilingen
Kenaupark 30
2011 MT Haarlem

68 3219 Classical antiquity and neolatinism Arrianus L F 68/3219 [Classical antiquity and neolatinism]. Arrianus, L.F. Ars tactica, Acies contra Alanos (...). Amst., Janssonius van Waesberge, 1683, (12),450,(4)p., engr. title, 2 fold. maps (incl. 1 large map of the Indian Ocean w. 2 sm. inset maps, i.a. of the Arctics ("Hyper-Borei")), 1 fold. plate, (full-p.) schematic text ills., Greek and Latin text, contemp. gilt vellum schoolprize binding of Maastricht (Spoelder 3). - Bookplate and 2 sm. owner's tickets on upper pastedown; occas. sl. foxed. = Schweiger p.68; Jähns I, p.95ff: "Wie Xenophon in seinem Werke über die Lakedämonier ein Bild der altdorischen Scharung und Kampfart entrollt, so Arrian in seiner Ars Tactica ein Bild der alexandrinischen Phalangentaktik."

Auction archive: Lot number 68/3219
28 May 2018 - 1 Jun 2018
Auction house:
Bubb Kuyper Veilingen
Kenaupark 30
2011 MT Haarlem
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