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Auction archive: Lot number 107

1973 Jaguar E-Type Series III V12 Roadster Chassis no. UD1S21824

Price realised:
ca. US$33,304
Auction archive: Lot number 107

1973 Jaguar E-Type Series III V12 Roadster Chassis no. UD1S21824

Price realised:
ca. US$33,304

Testing the E-Type Series III back in 1972, Road & Track magazine found the new V12 power unit, "a sheer delight, by itself almost worth the price of admission. The V12 is a lovely piece of machinery, lovely to listen to and lovely to behold. The exhaust has that hurried sound characteristic of a multiple-cylinder engine where the many explosions per revolution make it sound as if it's running faster than an engine with fewer cylinders. The idle is smooth and quiet with none of the mechanical busyness one normally experiences from the likes of a Ferrari or Lamborghini V12. And the smoothness lingers throughout the rev range." Delivered new to Canada, this left-hand drive E-Type V12 Roadster was imported into Germany in 1987 and acquired in 1994/95 by the present owner, a fastidious German private collector who has kept the car in careful storage. Used only sparingly, it has been serviced regularly, most recently in 2002 by the Jaguar main dealer in Kassel, and is reported as very reliable. The car is finished in red with black leather interior, and comes with an alternative set of chromed wire wheels in addition to the steel disc wheels fitted. A manual transmission model, it is described as in good condition in all departments with very good clutch and gearbox, and perfect chassis and brakes. The vehicle is offered with German registration document and an extensive file of documentation relating to its restoration in the mid-1980s. Der linksgelenkte 12-Zylinder Roadster, mit manueller Schaltung, wurde 1973, ohne Klimaanlage, nach Kanada ausgeliefert. 1987 nach Deutschland importiert, erwarb ihn der heutige Besitzer im Jahre 1994/95. Wenig gefahren, aber stets aufwendig gewartet und gepflegt, erhielt der E-Typ im vergangenen Jahre eine grosse Inspektion bei Jaguar in Kassel. Momentan mit Scheibenrädern ausgerüstet, gehört ein Satz Chromspeichenfelgen zum Auktionsumfang. In allen Bereichen von seinem Besitzer als ‘gut’ beschrieben, mit ‘sehr gutem Chassis und Bremsen’. Offeriert wird der rot lackierte ‘E’, mit schwarzem Lederinterieur. Zum Fahrzeug gehören ein deutscher KFZ-Brief, sowie eine ausführliche Fotodokumentation der Revision aus den achtziger Jahren.

Auction archive: Lot number 107
9 Aug 2003
Auction house:
Bonhams London

Testing the E-Type Series III back in 1972, Road & Track magazine found the new V12 power unit, "a sheer delight, by itself almost worth the price of admission. The V12 is a lovely piece of machinery, lovely to listen to and lovely to behold. The exhaust has that hurried sound characteristic of a multiple-cylinder engine where the many explosions per revolution make it sound as if it's running faster than an engine with fewer cylinders. The idle is smooth and quiet with none of the mechanical busyness one normally experiences from the likes of a Ferrari or Lamborghini V12. And the smoothness lingers throughout the rev range." Delivered new to Canada, this left-hand drive E-Type V12 Roadster was imported into Germany in 1987 and acquired in 1994/95 by the present owner, a fastidious German private collector who has kept the car in careful storage. Used only sparingly, it has been serviced regularly, most recently in 2002 by the Jaguar main dealer in Kassel, and is reported as very reliable. The car is finished in red with black leather interior, and comes with an alternative set of chromed wire wheels in addition to the steel disc wheels fitted. A manual transmission model, it is described as in good condition in all departments with very good clutch and gearbox, and perfect chassis and brakes. The vehicle is offered with German registration document and an extensive file of documentation relating to its restoration in the mid-1980s. Der linksgelenkte 12-Zylinder Roadster, mit manueller Schaltung, wurde 1973, ohne Klimaanlage, nach Kanada ausgeliefert. 1987 nach Deutschland importiert, erwarb ihn der heutige Besitzer im Jahre 1994/95. Wenig gefahren, aber stets aufwendig gewartet und gepflegt, erhielt der E-Typ im vergangenen Jahre eine grosse Inspektion bei Jaguar in Kassel. Momentan mit Scheibenrädern ausgerüstet, gehört ein Satz Chromspeichenfelgen zum Auktionsumfang. In allen Bereichen von seinem Besitzer als ‘gut’ beschrieben, mit ‘sehr gutem Chassis und Bremsen’. Offeriert wird der rot lackierte ‘E’, mit schwarzem Lederinterieur. Zum Fahrzeug gehören ein deutscher KFZ-Brief, sowie eine ausführliche Fotodokumentation der Revision aus den achtziger Jahren.

Auction archive: Lot number 107
9 Aug 2003
Auction house:
Bonhams London
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