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Auction archive: Lot number 269


£250 - £350
ca. US$314 - US$440
Price realised:
ca. US$377
Auction archive: Lot number 269


£250 - £350
ca. US$314 - US$440
Price realised:
ca. US$377

11 MISCELLANEOUS VOLUMES, COMPRISING SELECTIONS FROM THE COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED BY THE LADIES COMMITTEE London: printed for the Society. June 1806. No. 2 (only), [iv], pp.88; The Society for Bettering the Condition and Increasing the Comforts of the Poor. The Twenty-Eighth Report. London, Dec. 1806. [iv], pp. 141-176, 101-132; The Twenty-Ninth Report. London, Nov. 1807, [iv], 177-210, 133-170; The Thirtieth Report. Dec. 1807, [iv], [viii], 211-241, 171-234, [vi - index]; The Thirty Second Report. 1811, [viii], 65-114;37-76; Bernard, Thomas The New School. London: for the Society for Bettering the Condition of the Poor. Dec. 1809, [viii], 111, [iii]; contemporary quarter calf, rubbed, upper board detached; Lawrence, T.E. Seven Pillars of Wisdom, 1935. 4to, plates, maps, original buckram gilt, spine lightly faded, owner's name to front free endpaper; Vischer, Hanns Across the Sahara from Tripoli to Bornu. 1910. 8vo, plates, folding map, (plate misplaced at p.8) original cloth, upper hinge weak; Muhlhauser, G.H.P. The Cruise of the Amaryllis. 1924. First edition, 8vo, plates, original cloth; Francke, A.H. A History of Western Tibet. S.W. Partridge, [1907], original pictorial cloth; 8vo, plates, maps; Gibb, H.A.R. & J.H. Kramers Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam. Leiden, 1933. 8vo, original cloth; Thesiger, W. The Marsh Arabs. 1964. First edition, dust-jacket a bit frayed; Richards, V. Portrait of T.E. Lawrence. 1936, original cloth; Banks, M. Rakaposhi. 1959. First edition, dustwrapper; West, Rebecca Black Lamb and Grey Falcon. 1946, 2 volumes, original cloth sold not subject to return (11)

Auction archive: Lot number 269
19 Jun 2019
Auction house:
Lyon & Turnbull

11 MISCELLANEOUS VOLUMES, COMPRISING SELECTIONS FROM THE COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED BY THE LADIES COMMITTEE London: printed for the Society. June 1806. No. 2 (only), [iv], pp.88; The Society for Bettering the Condition and Increasing the Comforts of the Poor. The Twenty-Eighth Report. London, Dec. 1806. [iv], pp. 141-176, 101-132; The Twenty-Ninth Report. London, Nov. 1807, [iv], 177-210, 133-170; The Thirtieth Report. Dec. 1807, [iv], [viii], 211-241, 171-234, [vi - index]; The Thirty Second Report. 1811, [viii], 65-114;37-76; Bernard, Thomas The New School. London: for the Society for Bettering the Condition of the Poor. Dec. 1809, [viii], 111, [iii]; contemporary quarter calf, rubbed, upper board detached; Lawrence, T.E. Seven Pillars of Wisdom, 1935. 4to, plates, maps, original buckram gilt, spine lightly faded, owner's name to front free endpaper; Vischer, Hanns Across the Sahara from Tripoli to Bornu. 1910. 8vo, plates, folding map, (plate misplaced at p.8) original cloth, upper hinge weak; Muhlhauser, G.H.P. The Cruise of the Amaryllis. 1924. First edition, 8vo, plates, original cloth; Francke, A.H. A History of Western Tibet. S.W. Partridge, [1907], original pictorial cloth; 8vo, plates, maps; Gibb, H.A.R. & J.H. Kramers Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam. Leiden, 1933. 8vo, original cloth; Thesiger, W. The Marsh Arabs. 1964. First edition, dust-jacket a bit frayed; Richards, V. Portrait of T.E. Lawrence. 1936, original cloth; Banks, M. Rakaposhi. 1959. First edition, dustwrapper; West, Rebecca Black Lamb and Grey Falcon. 1946, 2 volumes, original cloth sold not subject to return (11)

Auction archive: Lot number 269
19 Jun 2019
Auction house:
Lyon & Turnbull
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